A Day in the Life of a Maglish HVAC Technician: Keeping Northwest Indiana Cool

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Rise and Shine: The Early Morning Routine

As a Maglish Plumbing, Heating, & Electric technician, my day starts bright and early at 6:00 AM. After a quick breakfast and coffee, I head to our headquarters in Merrillville, IN, to pick up my service van and review the day’s schedule.

First Call: AC Repair in Valparaiso

My first appointment takes me to Valparaiso, where a homeowner is experiencing issues with their air conditioning unit. Upon arrival, I diagnose the problem: a faulty capacitor. With my well-stocked van, I quickly replace the part and get their system running smoothly again.

Midday: HVAC Installation in Chesterton

Next, I head to Chesterton for a new HVAC installation. This job requires careful planning and execution. I work diligently to ensure the new system is properly sized, installed, and calibrated for optimal performance and energy efficiency.

Afternoon: AC Service in Portage

After lunch, I drive to Portage for a routine AC service call. Regular maintenance is crucial for keeping air conditioning systems running efficiently. I clean the coils, check refrigerant levels, and replace the air filter, ensuring the homeowner’s system is ready for the hot summer ahead.

Late Afternoon: Emergency Call in Hobart

Just as I’m wrapping up in Portage, I receive an emergency call from a customer in Hobart. Their AC has completely stopped working on one of the hottest days of the year. I quickly diagnose a blown fuse and replace it, much to the relief of the grateful homeowner.

End of Day: Wrapping Up in Crown Point

My final stop of the day is in Crown Point for an air conditioning installation consultation. I discuss options with the homeowner, provide a detailed quote, and schedule the installation for the following week.

Daily Wrap-Up

Before heading home, I return to the Maglish office to:

  • Complete paperwork for the day’s jobs
  • Restock my van with necessary parts and supplies
  • Review tomorrow’s schedule

As I drive home, I feel a sense of satisfaction knowing I’ve helped keep Northwest Indiana cool and comfortable. Another day in the life of a Maglish HVAC technician comes to a close, ready to do it all again tomorrow!